Mini-Symposia in SIAM UQ 2020 organized by GdR MASCOT-NUM members
- Clémentine Prieur (Univ grenoble)
- 6465 — Sensitivity analysis for models with high-dimensional inputs and vectorial or functional outputs
- 6470 — Green Sensitivity: measures from available input/output data
Robert Gramacy et Mickael Binois (INRIA)- 6474 & 6481 — Surrogate Modeling for Stochastic Simulation
Bertrand Iooss (EDF R&D)- 6492 & 6497 — Robustness analysis of UQ to distribution uncertainty
Olivier Zahm (INRIA)- 6705 & 6791 — Achieving a data-model synergy in UQ
Michaël Baudin (EDF R&D)- 6777 — The OpenTURNS software for Uncertainty Quantification
Olivier Roustant (INSA Toulouse) and Rodolphe Le Riche (Ecole des Mines Saint Etienne)- 6926 & 6931 — GP models and metamodels for non Euclidean inputs
David Ginsbourger (Idiap Research Institute and University of Bern)- 7119 & 7125 — Incorporating structural information in kernel methods for prediction and design space exploration
Bruno Sudret (ETH Zurich) and Amandine Marrel (CEA)- 7156 & 7187 — Uncertainty Quantification and Surrogate Models for Stochastic Simulators
Didier Lucor (LIMSI), Mohammad Motamed (Univ. New Mexico) and Lionel Mathelin (LIMSI)- 7167 & 7194 — Similarity measures and distances in forward and inverse UQ problems
Anthony Nouy (Ecole Centrales Nantes)- 7350 & 7367 — Dynamical low rank and reduced basis methods for random or parametric time dependent problems
Emmanuel Gobet (Ecole Polytechnique)