RT-UQ : Research network on Uncertainty Quantification

RT-UQ is the French Research Network on Uncertainty Quantification (RT2172), funded by INSMI@CNRS. It has been created in 2024 and is a continuation of the GDR Mascot-Num (2006-2023).

Upcoming RT-UQ events

  • April 22-25, 2025, RT-UQ (MASCOT-NUM) PhD day and SAMO 2025, Université Grenoble Alpes, Grenoble, France - website

(see also: past events)

Software updates

(see more...)

Contact and list of diffusion

Mailing list: Users interested in our activities are encouraged to subscribe to our mailing list rt-uq-news@services.cnrs.fr. This mailing list can be used to announce events related to RT-UQ topics: rt-uq-news@services.cnrs.fr.

Registration: Users interested in our activities are encouraged to register to the wiki website. It will allow you to contribute to this collaborative website by editing its pages to share useful and relevant information.

Contact: For any other information, you can send an email to the RT-UQ contact address. But first, please read the FAQ: your question is perhaps already answered there!

Main objectives of RT-UQ

RT-UQ coordinates research efforts in the development of methods of analysis and quantification of uncertainties.

It aims to answer many challenges in modeling and computational sciences, and introduce future players in the socio-economic world to good practices in the discipline. The network's activities are centered on upstream mathematical and methodological questions, motivated and guided by applications and important societal issues (environment, safety, health, climate...). In particular, the network promotes the development of frugal numerical methods intended to considerably reduce the environmental impact of numerics.

This research involves many fields from mathematics (statistics, probability, numerical analysis...) and is in strong interaction with other disciplines (computer science, engineering, signal and image processing, earth and environment sciences, health sciences and biology...).