ETICS Annual Research Schools

École Thématique sur les Incertitudes en Calcul Scientifique

Research School on Uncertainty in Scientific Computing

Organized by CEA/DAM, EDF R&D and ENS Paris Saclay (Centre Borelli and LRC MESO), under the collaborative actions of the GIS LARTISSTE and with the scientific labelling of the RT-UQ

Scientific committee: Claire Cannamela (CEA/DAM), Sébastien Da Veiga (ENSAI-CREST), Bertrand Iooss (EDF R&D), Merlin Keller (EDF R&D), Amandine Marrel (CEA/DES), Guillaume Perrin (Université Gustave Eiffel), Gael Poette (CEA/DAM), Delphine Sinoquet (IFPEN)

The goal of this school is to develop the skills of researchers and engineers in the domain of uncertainty management of computer codes and machine learning techniques in support to engineering studies. Some of the lectures are followed by practical computer works. Collaborative works, round tables and poster sessions allow to promote exchanges between participants. The prerequisites to possess are the mathematical bases of the uncertainty quantification science.


Dates: 2024, September, 22-27

Location: VVF Saissac, France

Warning: The language of this ETICS edition will be in French - Les cours de cette édition d'ETICS seront dispensés en français

Organizers : Bertrand Iooss (EDF R&D) and Claire Cannamela (CEA/DAM)




Registration fees (935€, taxes included, 850€ without taxe) include accommodation, meals and transport by bus from and to Toulouse train station.

Registration is closed because the maximal number of participants has been reached. - Contact Bertrand Iooss to be on the waiting list

List of participants



Dates: 2023, October, 8th-13th

Location: VVF Lège Cap Ferret, France

Warning: The language of this ETICS edition will be in French - Les cours de cette édition d'ETICS seront dispensés en français

Organizers : Bertrand Iooss (EDF R&D) and Claire Cannamela (CEA/DAM)



Talks from PhD students (Abstracts):


Registration is closed because the maximal number of participants has been reached. - Contact Bertrand Iooss to be on the waiting list

Registration fees (935€, taxes included, 850€ without taxe) include accommodation, meals and transport by bus from and to Bordeaux train station.

access to the list of participants



Dates: 2022, October, 2nd-7th

Location: Belhambra Hotel, Golfe de Lozari (L'Ile Rousse), France

Organizers : Bertrand Iooss (EDF R&D) and Claire Cannamela (CEA/DAM)



Other seminars:
Talks from PhD students:


Pre-registration for ETICS2022
The registration is closed because the maximal number of participants have been reached.



Dates: 2021, September, 12th - 17th

Location: Keravel resort, Erdeven, France - link

Organizers : Bertrand Iooss (EDF R&D) and Claire Cannamela (CEA/DAM)



Other seminars:


Registration is open: fill the form below. Registered people will receive the payment detail by email. Registration fees (900€) contain the accommodation, meals, gala dinner, social event cost and transport by bus from and to the railway station (to be precised) to and from Keravel resort (sunday afternoon and friday afternoon). People from CEA/DAM has to precise CEA/DAM for their affiliation.

Registration is closed

ETICS2020, October, 4-9, Ile d&

Organizers : Bertrand Iooss (EDF R&D) and Guillaume Perrin (CEA/DAM)

Location: La Vieille Perrotine, Saint-Pierre-d'Oléron, France - link

Registration is closed
Registration: (900€ including accomodation and meals): French link - English link
Registration is closed

Scientific organizers : Bertrand Iooss (EDF R&D) and Guillaume Perrin (CEA/DAM)



Other talks :

ETICS2019, September, 22-27, Fréjus, France

Organizers : Bertrand Iooss (EDF R&D) and Guillaume Perrin (CEA/DAM)

Location: La Villa Clytia, Fréjus, France - link

Registration (900€ including accomodation and meals): link

Scientific organizers : Bertrand Iooss (EDF R&D) and Guillaume Perrin (CEA/DAM)



ETICS2018, June, 4-8, Roscoff, France

Organizers : Jean Giorla (CEA/DAM), Bertrand Iooss (EDF R&D) and Guillaume Perrin (CEA/DAM)

Location: Station Biologique Roscoff, Centre UPMC-CNRS - link

Scientific organizers : Bertrand Iooss (EDF R&D), Jean Giorla and Guillaume Perrin (CEA/DAM)


Other talks:

/* Registration - Fees = 800€ (including accomodation, meal, participation to the summer school) */

ETICS2017, October, 1-6, Porquerolles, France

Presentation - Program

Organizers : Bertrand Iooss (EDF R&D) and Jean Giorla (CEA/DAM)


Other talks:
/* Link for registration: link */

ETICS2016, June, 6-10, Barcelonette, France

Presentation - Program

Scientific organizers : Bertrand Iooss (EDF R&D) and Jean Giorla (CEA/DAM)

