MASCOT 2014 Meeting

The MASCOT NUM 2014 meeting has been organized at ETH Zürich (Switzerland), from April 23rd to April 25th, 2014.
The best student presentation award has been conferred to Jonas Sukys (ETH Zürich) for his talk on Multi-level Monte Carlo finite volume methods for stochastic systems of hyperbolic conservation laws. He has won a prize of 1000€ to be used to go to a meeting. LOL
Program and handouts
Full conference brochure and abstracts.
Day 1 : April 23rd, 2014
08:30 | Registration |
09:15 | Opening talk (Bruno Sudret, David Ginsbourger) Slides |
09:30 | Opening lecture (Claudia Schillings, ETH Zürich) Exploiting sparsity in Bayesian inverse problems of parametric operator equations Slides |
10:30 | Coffee break |
10:50 | S. Sukys (ETH Zürich) Multi-level Monte Carlo finite volume methods for stochastic systems of hyperbolic conservation laws Slides |
11:20 | D. Jacquemart (Université Rennes 1) Adaptive particle methods for rare event simulation in a Markovian framework |
11:50 | J. Nagel (ETH Zürich) Bayesian multilevel model calibration for inversion of “perfect” data in the presence of uncertainty Slides |
12:20 | Lunch break |
13:30 | Poster session |
15:00 | A. Ahidar (Université Paul Sabatier) Multivariate quantile surfaces and application to an aircraft problem |
15:30 | R. Fischer (Université Paris-Est) Modeling dependence under constraint |
16:00 | Coffee break |
16:20 | F. Zertuche (Université Joseph Fourier) Multi-fidelity regression using a non-parametric relationship |
16:50 | S. Nanty (Université Joseph Fourier) Uncertainty quantification and visualization for functional random variables Slides |
Day 2: April 24th, 2014
09:00 | Conference opening W. Kröger (ETH Risk Center) |
09:15 | B. Iooss & F. Mangeant MASCOT-NUM news Slides |
09:30 | F. Nobile (EPF Lausanne) Discrete least-square polynomial approximations for high dimensional uncertainty propagation Slides |
10:30 | Coffee break |
10:50 | J.P. Vert (Institut Curie) Machine Learning for personalised genomics Slides |
11:50 | A. Krause (ETH Zürich) Focusing exploration with confidence |
12:50 | Lunch break |
14:15 | F.S. Koutsourelakis (TUM) Simulation-based, high-dimensional stochastic optimization: Application in robust topology optimization under large material uncertainties Slides |
15:15 | S. Marelli (ETH Zürich) UQLab: A framework for uncertainty quantification in Matlab |
16:00 | Coffee break |
16:20 | D. Ginsbourger (University of Bern) Incorporating structural priors in Gaussian random field models Slides |
Day 3: April 25th, 2014
09:00 | P. Koumoutsakos (ETH Zürich) Data driven, molecular dynamics for nanoscale fluid mechanic |
10:00 | C. Chevalier (University of Bern), Y. Richet (IRSN), O. Roustant (EMSE) Presentation of the ReDICE consortium |
10:30 | Coffee break |
10:50 | P. Renard (Université de Neuchâtel) Multiple-point statistics as a tool to assess complex spatial uncertainty Slides |
11:50 | J. Irving (University of Lausanne) Stochastic inverse methods for near-surface geophysical problems Slides |
12:50 | Lunch break |
14:00 | J. Wiart (Orange Labs) Contribution of Statistics to the numerical assessment of the electromagnetic fields human exposure Slides |
15:00 | Closure |
Poster session
Y. Bennani (Université de Nice). Kriging for non-parametric ML estimation from region-censored data.
F. Franzelin (University of Stuttgart). Uncertainty quantification in Crack Propagation Simulations. Poster
J. Fruth (TU Dortmund). Sequential sensitivity analysis for computer experiments with functional inputs. Poster
S. Hamza (Université de Haute-Alsace). Sensitivity analysis of tire model microcoefficients. Poster
P. Kersaudy (Orange Labs). Use of chaos polynomials in a universal Kriging model: Application to the numerical dosimetry.
H. Maatouk (École des Mines de Saint Étienne). Gaussian processes for computer experiments with monotonicity information. Poster
V. Moutoussamy (Université Paul Sabatier). Estimation of rare events probability and quantiles under monotonicity constraints.
R. Gantner (ETH Zürich). Multilevel Monte Carlo for Bayesian inverse problems.
R. Sala (Universita degli Studi di Firenze). An intuitive variance based variable screening method. Poster
R. Schöbi (ETH Zürich). PC-Kriging: Combining Polynomial Chaos Expansions and universal Kriging. Poster
S. Miro (Universität Bochum). System identification, meta-modeling, global sensitivity analysis and probabilistic analysis of failure in mechanized tunneling.
F. Tesei (EPF Lausanne). Multi level Monte Carlo methods with control variate for elliptic Stochastic Partial Differential Equations.
C. Walter (Université Paris VII) Getting into the failure domain: application in estimation of extreme quantiles and probabilities. Poster
O. Zahm (Ecole Centrale de Nantes). Goal-oriented low-rank approximations for high dimensional stochastic problems. Poster
More information is available on the ETH-hosted web site:
Call for PhD students&
The information about the call for abstracts for the PhD students' papers is available here.
Invited speakers
The list of invited speakers is available here.
Registration and Accomodation
The information about registration is available here.
The information about accommodation is available here.
Organization: GDR MASCOT NUM Board, Bruno Sudret (ETH Zürich), David Ginsbourger (University of Bern).